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PDO Threads Irvine, CA

Skin Tightening and Lift with PDO Threads

Lift and Rejuvenate Your Skin at Skin Canvas in Irvine

Sagging skin can hurt our confidence, steal our joy, and leave us feeling like we’re dull and have lost our glow. The good news is that Skin Canvas can help by offering PDO Thread Lifts in Irvine. PDO thread lifts offer skin lifting treatment for people looking to get skin rejuvenation benefits without the prolonged downtime of invasive surgeries. Doctors have used PDO threads as a suture because our bodies naturally absorb them, but now patients at Skin Canvas in Irvine are reaping the benefits when it comes to their aesthetic goals through this innovative treatment.

What are PDO Threads?

leaves your skin looking like a work of art
Irvine pdo threads model wearing a swimsuit
Irvine pdo threads model with black dress

PDO, or polydioxanone, threads are naturally absorbable threads strategically placed in your skin to lift, tighten, and rejuvenate.

They can help reduce pesky lines, folds, and wrinkles while also providing a lift to the areas of the skin that may be hanging a little looser these days. Registered Nurse Devina Pacis at Skin Canvas strategically places the PDO threads around the area you want to improve. This has a lifting effect that leaves your skin looking like a work of art after treatment at Skin Canvas.

How do I know if a PDO Thread Lift is right for me?

render more natural-looking results

Not everyone can take the time necessary to recover from surgical procedures to tighten and lift skin while reducing the signs of aging. If this sounds like you, then PDO threads might be a good solution. PDO thread lifts work best on mild to moderately loose skin that doesn’t require a surgical facelift. PDO Threads can also render more natural-looking results because the body naturally absorbs the threads after being placed, turning the threads into healing proteins like collagen and elastin to improve the effects of the treatment further.

PDO Threads Procedure

minimize any pain or discomfort

Devina makes sure your comfort is priority number one during every cosmetic procedure. During your consultation for PDO threads Irvine skin treatment expert, Nurse Devina, will go over what you can expect on the day of your procedure and what to do and what not to do leading up to the treatment.

On the day of your PDO Threads procedure, your treatment will start with a topical numbing agent to minimize any pain or discomfort. The PDO threads are then expertly placed into the areas of concern you have already mapped out with Devina. The entire process typically takes less than 30 minutes which means you don’t have to disrupt your schedule.

Irvine pdo threads model smiling
Irvine pdo threads model with brown hair

PDO Threads Recovery

Following your PDO Threads treatment at Skin Canvas, you can typically move on to whatever is next on your to-do list. Because the treatment is minimally invasive, your downtime is minimal or non-existent.

Minor swelling or bruising is possible at the injection site, but these issues are typically resolved quickly and can be treated with ice or other at-home remedies. Nurse Devina makes sure to walk all of her patients through their unique post-treatment plans to ensure all of their questions are answered, and worries are addressed.

PDO Threads Results

One of the best benefits of a PDO threads treatment is that results are not only noticeable right away, but continue to get better as time passes. Skin tightening, contouring, and line reduction can be noticeable immediately following treatment as the PDO threads lift and rejuvenate your problem areas.

Individual results can vary depending on various factors, including the level of sagging or loose skin you were looking to treat and where the threads have been placed in your skin. Patients continue to see benefits in the weeks and months after treatment as the body reacts to and absorbs the PDO threads. Many Irvine PDO thread patients see the final results within 1-2 months after treatment, with anti-aging results lasting well after that.

Schedule your Irvine PDO Thread Lift consultation with Skin Canvas today

turn back the hands of time

Skin Canvas got its name from one of Nurse Devina’ satisfied patients. After treatment, the patient exclaimed, “I feel like you are an artist, and my skin is the canvas!” Nurse Devina treats each one of her patients like the masterpieces they are. Schedule a consultation today to learn how you can artfully turn back the hands of time with PDO thread lifts in Irvine.

PDO Thread Lift Frequently Asked Questions

Do PDO Thread Lifts hurt?

Nurse Devina takes great care to make each treatment at Skin Canvas as comfortable as possible. You may experience a little soreness or bruising following your treatment, but this typically resolves itself within a few days.

Are PDO Thread Lifts covered by insurance?

PDO thread lifts are elective cosmetic procedures, and insurance does not cover them.

You deserve to love the way you look. Whether in the mirror or pictures, you want your face to reflect your true self. At Skin Canvas we artfully brush away the years with our state-of-the-art anti-aging treatments in Irvine, CA. Schedule your consultation with Skin Canvas today to let us turn your look into a masterpiece you will love sharing with the world.

15775 Laguna Canyon Rd #210, Irvine, CA 92618

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